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I watched Red Bull's home race at their HQ!

About a month ago I found out from one of Red Bull's Instagram stories that they hold race screenings at their headquarters in Milton Keynes. I was in the fortunate position that the Austrian race coincided with my vacation in London, so I took it as a sign and promptly booked myself a ticket. I didn't really know what to expect, even though Red Bull started dripping information two weeks before the event: where to arrive, what the dress code was, the exact program, and so on - I arrived without expectations and waited to see what would happen. I learned from my first trip to Milton Keynes, so I immediately took a taxi from the station, which took me to the campus in 10 minutes. I arrived just at the opening time, and a few people were already there, being let in. They scanned my ticket, and I received a visitor card on a yellow lanyard, which meant that my group's trophy tour would start at 12. It was 11 o'clock, so I had an hour to look around. The screening was held

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